
Showing posts with the label township

Monroe Township Municipal Building

COUNCIL LIAISON Cncl. Monday-Friday 830 am-430 pm email. Municipal Building Opens In Ross Township Wnep Com Other Elected and Appointed Officials. Monroe township municipal building . Monday-Friday 830 am-430 pm email. Stephanie McKinney SecyTreas. MUNICIPAL BUILDING COURT ROOM 125 VIRGINIA AVENUE. Please only put checks or money orders in the drop box no cash. Chapter 175 Article VI of the Code of the Township of Monroe BOARD MEMBERS TERM EXP. Monroe Township Municipal Building. From Route 130 Heading North Take Route 130 to Route 32 East toward the NJ Turnpike. Mayor Dalina Proposes Creation of Township Economic Development Advisory Board. Monroe Township NJ 08831. Monroe Township is a second class township formed in 1825 encompassing 268 square miles and a population of 5823 as listed by the 2010 Census. Monroe Township Air Quality. Gloucester County Tax Assessors Office. Monroe Municipal Utilities Authority. Monroe Township is exposed to vari...